Miscellaneous resources to help with research

From finding research opportunities, to examples of code.

How to code up your own Wright-Fisher model in R to explore genetic drift

Imagine an isolated population. How is genetic variation likely to change over time?

The surprisingly simple way to update Font Awesome icons if you have an old(er) Hugo Wowchemy Academic website

AKA: What I learnt by spending a frustrating 2 days trying to get bluesky icons on my website

Undergraduate Biomedical and Biological research opportunities

A collated list of research opportunities available to undergraduate students in Australia (primarily in Melbourne)

How to submit a Slurm job while building a workflowr page

A wrapper function so you can keep the Slurm job inputs and outputs in a workflowr page - and stick to the reproducibility goal of workflowr projects

How to get started with workflowr, git and R projects: a powerful combination to share and save your research code

A basic introduction to git, with tips to easily create a shareable workflowr webpage with a university or institutional gitlab or github account

Make your workflowr project structure more flexible by trying out my code wrapper

Some R functions to make your workflowr life more fun (if you don't want to have all your rmarkdown files in the analysis subfolder)