Population Genetics

Genetic diversity and gene pools

Why is genetic diversity important? How do important factors in evolution (genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, natural selection) impact genetic diversity?

How to code up your own Wright-Fisher model in R to explore genetic drift

Imagine an isolated population. How is genetic variation likely to change over time?

How much does the unguarded X contribute to sex differences in life span?

Females and males often have markedly different mortality rates and life spans, but it is unclear why these forms of sexual dimorphism evolve. The unguarded X hypothesis contends that dimorphic life spans arise from sex differences in X or Z …

Predicting the cross population portability of human eQTLs

Masters research project investigating the evolutionary, functional and expression properties of human eQTLs which are non-portable across populations, supervised by: [Dr. Irene Gallego Romero](https://igr-lab.science.unimelb.edu.au/) & [Dr. Christina Azodi](https://azodichr.github.io/) (March 2021 - December 2022)